Embark on a journey around the world with Phileas Fogg and his faithful servant. This amazing journey will only be played in French. Therefore, get ready for this great trip and discover here the highlights of this epic getaway across continents!

SCÈNE 1: London

London, 1872, an audacious hold-up is held at the Bank of England and, at the same time, Phileas Fogg, an eccentric adventurer bet with his friends that he can go around the world in 80 days.

The time to pack the suitcases with his faithful servant Passepartout, and they are gone, followed as their shadow by Miss Fix, journalist who suspects them of dark schemes!


Arriving on the banks of the Seine, our tandem of globetrotters has little time to enjoy the frills of Parisian life. The railway to Sicily where they must embark for Egypt is blocked! It will be necessary to be inventive to find the means of locomotion that will bring them to their next step! They won’t care about gravity and will race with the clouds…


How to sneak discreetly among the crowd of the port of Alexandria and officials a little too curious? Phileas Fogg decides to take the height and follow a straight line to escape his pursuers, between pyramids and banks of the Nile!

Is it to gain time that he unloads part of his fortune in his escape? Decidedly, nothing stops him!


A circus, is it a good idea when you want to travel incognito? Passepartout regains his artistic sensations and Phileas Fogg demonstrates that he is ready to do anything to succeed in his feat…

Miss Fix, lost between acrobats, jugglers and elephant, does not believe her eyes, impressed by the prowess of the intrepid English!


What a funny character is this English colonel who welcomes our explorers landing in India! A whole world with its perils and divinities not to be offended…

Between ritual dances and fakir tricks, a pyre announcing a human sacrifice is erected! Will the wretched Indian princess, promised to die, escape her fate? It will be up to heaven…

SCÈNE 6: Under the ocean

Seven-tenths of our good old blue planet is covered with oceans… Mysterious creatures of the seabed, cyclones… Nothing stops the race against the time of Phileas and Passepartout… Follow them against all odds!


What madness to set foot in the court of the emperor of China? It’s to throw oneself in the mouth of the dragon!

It will take cunning, wit and magic to get out of the clutches of his majesty, the deceitful King-Fu! Will Miss Fix bear the brunt of it, she who seems increasingly charmed by Phileas’ beautiful allure…

SCÈNE 8: Japan

A little serenity in this disheveled race… Japan, the country of the rising sun with its zen gardens invites mediation… But no time to waste for Phileas and Passepartout…

SCÈNE 9: United States

We are lost on the edge of the plains of the Wild West, at the foot of the train of the last for our two heroes if they want to fulfill their bet!

But the territory lined with Indians also hides bandits ready for anything and excellent weapons handlers! We will have to get out of this trap to continue the adventure…


Back to square one… But heads down… Our two heroes think they failed in their endeavor for an unfortunate day late…

But happy drama, it is Miss Fix who reveals their mistake. Phileas admits that he was seduced by the young and pretty reporter…

The world tour was well accomplished and in time… That’s well worth a dance: the world belongs to adventure! Happy end!